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V/H/S/2 (2013)

Searching for a missing student, two private investigators break into his house and find collection of VHS tapes. Viewing the horrific contents of each cassette, they realize there may be dark motives behind the student's disappearance.

Directors:Simon Barrett, Jason Eisener, 5 more credits »

Writers:Simon Barrett, Jamie Nash, 7 more credits »

Stars:Lawrence Michael Levine, Kelsy Abbott, Adam Wingard | See full cast and crew » 



Searching for a missing student, two private investigators break into his house and find collection of VHS tapes. Viewing the horrific contents of each cassette, they realize there may be dark motives behind the student's disappearance.

User Reviews

 i was extremely impressed with V/H/S 1, so much that i made it a plan to watch V/H/S 2 the night after.

i'm an open minded guy, loves horror and is of the clan who consider exorcist a creepy classic rather than the ilk who consider it "not scary/ funny"

however, this was just no good to me. it seemed to really lack the originality of the first one, (which seems to have mixed reviews mainly due to people not liking found-footage in general) and was venturing more into the humorous and silly rather than creepy and frightening. which if pulled off right possibly could have been OK.

its hard because these segments are all done by different directors etc, so consistent quality is probably more challenging for this franchise.

and i suppose its not the worst thing in the world *changes my score from a 1 to a 3* but it just astounds me and evidently others on IMDb that the first one was rated so low and this one so high when it should really be the other way round.

this is probably my biggest point before i wrap this up:

for a found footage film to work, we need authenticity. but this film unwittingly wanders into two dangerous areas for these kinds of films, the first being the "why would they be filming this at this point?" factor is heavy in some segments, weighing down on the believability of the whole experience and the second being the "if they've dropped their camera/lost their camera, why are we still seeing their point of view?" area again in a few of the segments.

i wont spoil anything but there are segments involving film crews who have a camera each, but when the story climaxes we seem to seeing far more different points of view than there is cameras, including people shown to not have a camera, then the angle switching to their point of view as if they are filming. thats cheating i'd say, and again ruins the experience.

a couple segments are OK and scary, one particular one in Indonesia with subtitles was fascinating up to a certain point.

i just hope the 3rd is more like the first than this one, but from what is available to read it doesn't seem to be the case.


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